Little Tips & Trick ! Today

So, I just wanna share tips & trick

How to Improving Reading Speed :

  1. Avoid pronouncing words as you read. If you say the words aloud, you can read only as fast as you can say the words. You should be able to read most materials at least two or three times faster silently than orally.
  2. Avoid rereading. Rereading words and phrase is a habit that will slow you down.
  3. Try to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words. You usually do not have to know the exact meaning of a word, underline it, but don’t stop reading. Later, look up all the underlined words at once. Looking up words in the dictionary while you read can really slow you down. Using the footnote definitions can also save you time.
  4. Increase the number of words you read at one time. This will give you a wider eye span. Written material is more difficult to understand if you read one word at a time. Increasing the number of words you read will help you learn to read by phrases or thought units.

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